Architectural reserve, Brhlovce
Budmerice manor-house, Budmerice
Draškovič manor-house, Čachtice
Mausoluem, Mošovce
The Town Office building in Moldava on Bodva, Moldava on Bodva
Rock´s Bridge, Čachtice
Garden pavilion, Mošovce
Wooden column bridge , Dolný Kubín
Haban's houses - europe rarity, Veľké Leváre
Haban's houses, Podbranč
Gothic Chapel of St Anton Padovský, Čachtice
Small chapel of Svätobeňadická skala, Hronský Beňadik
Benediktín´s monastery and church, Hronský Beňadik
Church of Holy Mary´s birth, Boleráz
Farský kostol sv. Michala Archanjela, Boleráz
Parish Church of St Ladislav, Čachtice
Mansion, Príbelce
Manor-house, Zlaté Moravce
Monastery of St. Joseph, Raslavice
Roman-Catholic church of St. Katarína, Dolný Kubín
Gotic church - Saint Egídius, Poprad
Neo-gothic church - Mariánska hill, Levoča
Neo-gothic churc, Mošovce
Roman Catholic church, Lučenec
Calvanist church, Lučenec
Roman-Catholic Church in Moldava nad Bodvou, Moldava nad Bodvou
Seven churches in Pezinok, Pezinok
Gothic cathedral church Nanebovzatia panny Márie, Rožňava
Gothic church of saint Egidius, Poprad
Roman Catholic church of the Virgin Mary´s birth, Raslavice
Roman – catholic church or St. Jána Krstiteľa, Rimavska Sobota
Church Nanebovzatia Panny Márie, Semerovo
Roman - catholic church of Virgin Mary´s birth, Staré Hory
Late gothical roman - catholic church of Virgin Mary´s birth, Vranov nad Topľou
gothical church of saint Ján Krstiteľ, Vrútky
Gothical church of saint Elizabeth, Zvolen
Folk houses, Príbelce
City theatre, Levoča
Mariánske námestie - square of Žilina, Žilina
Square of Master Pavol - europe rarity, Levoča
The biggest european square, Levoča
late gothical roman - catholic church of Virgin Mary´s birth, Vranov nad Topľou
Piaristic manor house, Brezno
Slovak National gallery, Zvolen
Rock - houses - memory reservation of folk architecture - world rarity, Brhlovce
Handicrafts street, Košice
Wattermill, Podbranč
Wooden churches, Snina
Castle with beautiful historical hall, Pezinok
Zvolen castle (national cultural memory), Zvolen
Remains of city walls, Pezinok
Bell-tower – Death-bell, Čachtice