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Attraction highlighting: children singing assembly named Brezinka
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The first writen reference about Boleráz village comes from 1240. There are a few archaeological fields, artefacts and tools which documents the history of this area. 

The present village was created from two separate villages – Boleráz and Klčovany – in 1960. In the middle part of the village there is a historical path called „The Czech Path“ connecting Budín and Prague. The church of St. Michal Archanjel has got big historical value and was built in 1787. In Klčovany part of this village there is another church – the church of Holy Mary´s birth built in 1836.

Farský kostol
The church of St. Michal Archanjel 

Places of Interest
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Village was an important centre for jar production in the past. It is also known for its local distillery built in 1912. The building of distillery was converted into starch production plant and since 1993 Dr. Oetker Ltd. has owned this place and it is one of the biggest producers of custards and puddings. Another company from Boleráz called Tate & Lyle Slovakia Ltd. is one of the biggest producers of starch and its derivates.


Boleráz is known for its famous natives as well. Prof. Ing. Dr. Peter Danišovič, Dr.h.c. is famous waterpiece builder, Dr. Ema Kahounová CSc. is a famous writer as well as her brother doc. Dr. Karol Kahoun, CSc. They all live in Bratislava at the moment. 

One of the most famous natives is painter and writer Mr Stano Dusík who lives in Italy at present and his brother Jozef Dusík – teacher who still lives in Boleráz.

In the area of this village we can also find a water pond which has got 77 ha. It is a favourite recreational area especially for fishermen

The village has got its own singing traditions and Slovak song called „Boleráz, Boleráz,...“ represents this place. There is a children singing assembly named Brezinka. Zuzana Pinčeková is making traditional folk ceramics and still live in Boleráz. 

Folklórny súbor Brezinka

There is a children singing assembly named Brezinka.

In 1996, the village hall, has issued book about the history of Boleráz writen by Marián Babirát.
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