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Attraction highlighting:  boatingand fishing

The geographical location of the settlement which formed the foundations of the town, at the confluence of the Cirocha river and the small river Pčolinka in the valley between the Beskydy foothills and the Vihorlat mountain range determined Snina´s function as a central village of the surrounding shepherds´and farmers´ settlements.

The oldest written records mentioning Snina date back to 1343. 

On May 1, 1949, the construction of the Vihorlat Enterprise began ( On July 15, 1951 production started. The construction and extension of the enterprise, which was aimed at medium heavy engineering production, created further employment opportunuties in construction organisations, services and trade.

Along with the development of industry and services,housing developed. Housing estates and new family houses were constructed. The largest number of flats and family houses were built here between 1975 – 1990 for families displaced by the construction of the Snina dam since seven villages had to be moved out.
fontána - Sninské rybníky

Places of Interest
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Tourist Attractions

  • The VIHORLAT mountain range of volcanic origin covers the area of 3484 ha. Protected region (CHKO) with the protection belt of 25350 ha. The highest mountain -Vihorlat (1076m). The most popular mountain – Sninský kameň (1005 m). East Carpathian beech forests in the form of primeval forests with rare flora.
  • Stužica State Nature Reserve
  • Sninský kameň - 1005 m – the most visited mountain of the VIHORLAT mountain range located 5 km from Snina, a protected natural formation which dominates the southern sky-line. This rock formation consists of two andesite blocks (Big and Small Stones). Nearby surroundings abound in rare endemic flora. Marked paths lead to the top.
  • Rybníky holiday resort, to reach it go 2 km from the town centre towards the village of Stakčín, turn left and go 1 km from the main road. Hotel KAMEI*** chalets (, tents, three outdoor swimming pools, children´s swimming pool, pond with boatingand fishing, restaurant, buffets, refreshment stands, walks in surrounding forests, marked paths leading to Sninský kameň.
  • Wooden churches can be found in the villages of Ruský Potok, Uličské Krivé, Topoľa and Hrabová Roztoka
  • Parihuzovce ski-lift (14 km)

    Tel.: ++421 57 7625203, Fax: ++421 57 7623743

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