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Attraction highlighting:  Budmericky manor - house
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The first written mention of village Budmerice (182m above sea level) originates from 1296. Inhabitants had dealt with viticulture and carrying trade, later in the 17th century with breeding fish, working in mills and pottery.

Budmerice is situated in the Trnavská downs in valley of the Gidra brook at an altitude of 180m. It belongs to the district Pezinok. The village with an old occupacy is mentioned for the first time in the year 1296 under name Pumurich. It belongs to the Červený Kameň county like the surrounding villages Vištuk and Jablonec. The current name Budmerice the village has had since the year 1948. In the year 1561 was formed the coat of arms of the village which is formed by a renaissance shield where on the green three-hills stands Latin cross and instead of corpus there are signs of torture – two silver whips. In the year 1705 between rebel troops of František Rákoczy II.nd and imperial forces leading by Earl John Pálffy a bloody battle took place near the village. Finally rebel troops were defeated and the village burnt out.

In the 16th century the Červený Kameň county constructed some large ponds for fish breeding. Nowadays you can find it there. Inhabitants are famous as good farmers and carrying traders. In the 17th century is pottery and working in mills of high level. Ceramists had their own guild.

Places of Interest
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Once belonged to the village village Fančal founded in the years 1528-32. In the year 1888 the Červený kameň county – Earl John Pálffy (lover of nature and hunting) built a Pseudo- gothic hunting manor-house near the village in the Lindava forest. It was reconstructed and restored several times and serves as a whole up to this day.

Nowadays the Budmerice manor-house is a house of Slovak writers. It is registered in Central catalogue of cultural monuments.

Hunting manor-house

The Gothic Roman-Catholic church built in the year 1722 draws the attention among the other building, too. 
Further the Chapel of the Virgin Mary Of Seven Sufferings (“Sedembolestná Panna Mária”) was built by Rudolf Pálffy. Statue on the main altar originates from daughters of Countess Pálffy. From numerous mills was preserved the Silnický mill up to this day. Nowadays serves as a centre for education of the Ministry of education after reconstruction and restoration.

Budmerice counts 1910 inhabitants. Its development has started since liberation in the year 1945. There were created some new school facilities like an elementary school, a kindergarten, a new fire station, a sorrow house, a cultural house, a service house, in the village there are gas-pipeline and water-pipeline in each street.

Temple tower
Má dobre prosperujúci poľnohospodársky podnik - PD Budmerice, ktoré vyniklo už v r.1949. Obec si zachovala aj teraz poľnohospodársky charakter. Jej rozloha je 3.07 ha 9085m2. Radí sa medzi stredné obce okresu Pezinok.
Z významnejších osôb rodákov z Budmeríc-treba uviesť buditeľa, katolického teológa Juraja Holčeka /1811-1869/, kpt.Jána Rášu, hrdinu SNP /1913-1944/, spisovateľa, novinára, publicistu R. Fábryho /1915-1983/ a Fridricha Moravčíka, a žijúceho historika a tvorcu dejín Budmeríc PhDr.Janka Tibenského Dr.Sc-1923.
V roku 1996 oslávila obec 700 rokov svojho jestvovania.

It has a flourishing agricultural company – PD Budmerice founded 1949. The village has remained an agricultural settlement. Its area – 3.07ha 9085 m2. It ranks among medium villages of the district Pezinok.

To the important natives from Budmerice belong – Roman-Catholic theologian Juraj Holček (1811-1869), kpt.Ján Ráš, hero of the Slovak National Uprising (1913-1944), Rudolf Fábry, writer, journalist, publicist (1915-1983) and Fridrich Moravčík and living historian PhDr.Janko Tibenský Dr.Sc – 1923.

In the year 1996 Budmerice celebrated 700 year of its existence.
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