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The most common mushrooms
in Slovakia and Czech republic

Photographs of mushrooms, which grows up in Slovakia, we publish with pleasure agreement of
Dr. Ladislav Hagara.

If Slovakia were considered according to occurrence of mushrooms, it would belong among world's great powers. There grow thousands species of mushrooms in its area. Many new species were scientifically described precisely according to findings from Slovakia. The reason of such a variety of species and richness of its occurrence in this area are exceptionally willing natural conditions, particularly changeability of geological base and country relief with vegetation of lowlands up to mountain vegetation, temperate world zone with sufficiency of warmth and dampness and exceptional 40% of woodland richly represented by beech, pine but also thermophilic oak forests.

The woods are home of most of edible mushrooms. Their gathering has got a strong tradition since the medieval in Slovakia and Czech republic. Mushrooms from natural environment, forests, meadows and fields even today form a common part of menu. Mushroom gathering is a part of recreational exercise activity and psychical relaxation for thousands of people. The rich finding sites of mushrooms are more often availed by foreign tourists.

  • L. Hagara: Atlas húb (1987, 1993, 1995, 1998, 1999)
  • L. Hagara: Huby – dvojníky (1992)
  • L. Hagara: Houby (1999)
  • L. Hagara, V. Antonín, J. Baier: Houby (1999)

    Plums and Custard
    Orange Mock Oyster
    Shaggy Caps
    Queen Bolete
    King Bolete
    Collared Earthstar
    Fir Tooth
    Fir Cauliflower Mushroom
    Larch Suillus
    Elm Oyster
    Fly Agaric
    Carphatian Crep
    Aspen Cortinarius
    The Prince
    Variegated Rusula
    Honey Fungus
    Fairy Ring Mushroom
    Silky Volvariella
    Common Puff-ball
    Apricot Jelly Mushroom
    Saffron Milk Cap
    Sulfur Shelf
    Glutinous Gomphidius
    Slimy Beech Tuft
    Russula-Like Waxy Cap
    Brick Red Hypholoma
    Tawny Funnel Cap
    Destructive Pholiota
    Fuzzy Foot
    Dryad` Saddle

    Zoznam húb podľa
    ich latinských názvov:

    Macrolepiota konradii
    Tricholomopsis rutilans
    Tricholoma viridilutescens
    Psathyrella spintrigera
    Stropharia caerulea
    Pleurotus cornucopiae
    Phyllotopsis nidulans
    Coprinus comatus
    Entoloma porphyrophaeum
    Boletus aereus
    Boletus edulis
    Lentinus cyathiformis
    Geastrum triplex
    Mycoacia aurea
    Hericium flagellum
    Leccinum quercinum
    Sparassis nemecii
    Cantharellus cibarius
    Laccaria proxima
    Rhodocybe truncata
    Suillus grevillei
    Hypsizygus ulmarius
    Amanita muscaria
    Crepidotus carpathicus
    Rhodocybe truncata
    Cortinarius trivialis
    Agaricus augustus
    Russula cyanoxantha
    Armillaria mellea
    Marasmius oreades
    Volvariella bombycina
    Lycoperdon perlatum
    Mycena inclinata
    Tremiscus helvelloides
    Lactarius deliciosus
    Laetiporus sulphureus
    Gomphidius glukotinosus
    Oudemansiella mucida
    Hygrophorus russula
    Pluteus chryophareus
    Hypholoma sublateritium
    Lyophyllum fumosum
    Clitocybe inversa
    Pholiota populnea
    Xeromphalina campanella
    Polyporus squamosus
    Citocybe geotropa
    Phlebia centrifuga
    lat. Macrolepiota konradii
    sk. Bedla Konradova

    Plums and Custard
    Plums and Custard
    lat. Tricholomopsis rutilans
    sk. Cirovec cervenozlty

    lat. Tricholoma viridilutescens
    sk. Cirovka olivovohneda

    lat. Psathyrella spintrigera
    sk. Drobulka vlnata

    lat. Stropharia caerulea
    sk. Golierovka modra

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