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svetové/ európske rarity

Tinker exhibition, which is the only one of this type in the world – world unique, Žilina

Haban's houses – european unique, Veľké Leváre
Haban's houses, Podbranč

International award Europa Nostra 1993, Brhlovce

Kolonisti - nemeckí na Slovensku, Nemecká

Libethenit - nerast, Ľubietová
Complex Balneaworld unique, Piešťany
Rock dwellings hewn – world unique, Brhlovce
Ludovy dom (house of national traditions), Príbelce

Gejzír Herľanskýworld unique, Herľany

Modra Majolicaworldwide attraction, Modra
Sculpture of a woman called Moravianska Venusaworld attraction, Piešťany

Mince a medaile – Kremnické múzeum mincí a medailí, Kremnica

Area known as Master Pavol`s Square, Levoča
Lomnický peak is situated the highest laid observatory in Central Europe, Vysoké Tatry
Significant square - biggest of this sort in Europe, Levoča
Inscription on the castle rock , victory of the emperor Markus Aurelius, Trenčín

Oltár sv. Jakuba zhotovený v dielni Majstra Pavla z Levoče – world unique, Levoča

Observatory, well known European observatory Rimavská Sobota
Ochtínska aragonitová jaskyňaworld unique

Rímsky kameň s torzom úradného nápisu, Semerovo

Skalné obydlia – pamiatková rezevácia ľudovej architektúry – world unique, Brhlovce

Some sports undertakings of world importance, Vysoké Tatry

Vodný mlyn, Podbranč

Sharks teeth, Príbelce

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