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Tisovec Muráň Michalová

The Muranska plain is the microregion which consists of 4 villages - Michalova, Pohronska Polhora, Tisovec and Muran.
Muranska plain represents a vast calcium area which was created by water running through valleys and furrows over the millions of years. However, the surface of the plain is quite flat. The highest point of Muranska plain is Fabova hola.
There is a beautiful kars full of caves, wells and abysses underneath the plain, many rare plants and animals such as Lykovec muransky (Daphne arbuscula Celak) and Fuzac alpsky (Rosalia alpina) live there as well.

Muranska plain is now one of the national parks in Slovakia because it has got unique natural value and well conserved and protected parts.

There are a few turist attractions in this area which may be of interest to every visitor such as railway track from Pohronska Polhora to Tisovec; there are ruins of Muran castle and horse farm on Velka Luka.

railway track

Translation: Bendiková

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