The first written mention about the community comes from 1210.
Area: 2,341 ha
Number of inhabitants: 1,340 (from that 96% of Slovaks, 86% Roman Catholics)
The community is the member of:
- ZMOS – Association of Slovak towns and communities
- Euro-Region Váh – Dunaj – Ipeľ
- Association of mayors and city mayors
International Partner: the community of ŠATOV, Czech Republic, from 16 July 1977
The symbols of the community are approved by the Heraldic Commission of SR, the signature number: HR: 383/S – 154/97 from 22. December. The logo is also used here.
All of the documents about the community from history to present are together with the documents about the history of Slovakia in the foundation stone of the new bell tower and in the Regional Archive in Nitra (located in Ivanka pri Nitre). That should be our message for the generations in 22nd and 23rd Century.
The view on the Semerovo
The community has approved the Plan of the Community Development. This contains also areas for industrial objects and later, after expanding, suitable for industrial parks. In the future we figure on highway nearby.
The community has its own County Council with ceremonial room built in modern style. In the medical center there are the doctors both for children and adults and the dentist. Post office, cinema and library are also available. The information system, stores and restaurants are intended especially for tourists.
The community is the seat of:
Roman Catholic Vicarage and the commercial lawyer.
The community is the holder of:
Price of the Ministry of Environment of SR in the competition VILLAGE OF THE YEAR 2001
Certificate of fulfilling the Program of Village Revitalization, valid till 31. December 2006
The community has printed:
A brochure „Semerovo, the old community of yeomen“ written by Alexander REŠKO in 1997;
A book „790 years from the first written mention about the community of Semerovo“ written by Mgr. Melánia Kadlečíková in 2001 (about the history of the community); Postcards, badges, calendars.
Attractions, rarities and interests
The community of Semerovo is situated in Podunajská nížina (lowland), on the west border of Pohronská pahorkatina (downs) in the altitude from 140 to 225 m above the sea. The west part is mostly covered by sandy soil and is lying on higher terraces. The east part consists from Tertiary sediments. You can find here acacia and oak forests but the area is mostly deforested.
Common are red and brown types of soil. Branovský potok (creek) flows through the community and there is also a pond.
A pond
The community is in the distance of 9 kilometers from thermal springs Podhájska, 17 kilometers from Nové Zámky, 45 kilometers from Komárno and 65 kilometers from Nitra.
The most treasurable historic sight - the attraction of the community:
The Roman Stone with the torso of epigraph from 229 AD, the time of Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander Zbožný,
The Roman Stone
In 1998 the Community Representation decided to remove and renovate it, with approval of the Sight Supervision Nové Zámky and Roman Catholic Vicarage. Roman Greškovič from Komárno was chosen as a restorer. The Stone was put in new dry place in the church on 19. November 1998 and exposed on 29. August 1999.
Historic value of the Stone is attested in:
„Limes Romanus“ – author Vojtech Ondrouch, 1938
„Inscriptions of the upper Panonia that are protected in Slovakia“, authors Jozef Češka and Radislav Hošek, 1967
Archaeological Institute Nitra, the number P-33650, P-333651
The calcite Stone is 0.47 x 0.98 m big. The text in two semicircles on it is quite destroyed. In the middle there is an artistic flower.
The Stone is free accessible for visitors. In the Community Office there is the copy and all of the documents.
Briefly from history:
The first written mention about the community is from 1210. There is mentioned Eccl. S. Michaelis de villa Scemera and Roman Catholic Romanesque Church of St. Michal with three chapels, what was the present of Ján, archbishop from Ostrihom, to the curator Michal...
Very interesting is also the hill Hradište – Váraš, originally perhaps Celtic burial mound or the Slavic settlement. The prince fort was together with the settlement raided by old Hungarians, Tatars and Turks.
The spring with non-freezing pool was supposed to be remainder of Roman spa.
Devastated and burnt settlement was colonized by the cotters from Myjava in the 16th and 17th Century.
Roman Catholic Church of the Mary’s Assumption
This Roman Catholic Church of the Mary’s Assumption was built in baroque style in 1712, that time without any towers, on the same place as the first destroyed one. Documents from 1780 mention wooden bell tower near the church but its fate is unknown.
Historical seal is from 1775.
Jewish Cemetery
This cemetery is for the first time mentioned in 1777 and gave evidence about Jewish community. This community perished during World War II in concentration camps. Memorable board here is dedicated to Mrs. and Mr. Buchinger. Descendants of Jewish citizens live now in USA, Canada, Great Britain and Israel. They regularly visit the gravestone of Rabbi Isaac Bauer. He died in 1852 at the age of 94 years. Jewish cemetery was renovated in 1995.
The statue of St. Ján Nepomucký - on the background the bell tower
The old bell tower with three bells was built 1840. Renovated statue of St. Ján Nepomucký comes from 1836 and statue of St. Florián from 1866-68.
Present time of the community:
The enormous development of the community characterizes the times since the World War II.
Its result is new-built part of the community called Surovina located on the other side of Branovský potok (creek).
Memorial of the fallen in the World War I and II reminds the sad history of the community.
Facilities of the community:
New network NN, 13 km of communications, network MTS with optic, signal of the mobile operator Orange
Our elementary school is full organized, with special Lessons about Region; computer room equipped thanks project Infovek (European Union). The school participates on the projects: Health School, Opened School, Living Nature, it has its own notebooks (project Columbus), gymnasium, dining room, area for sports (football, handball, tennis, basketball, volleyball playgrounds; 200 m athletic racetrack). 170 children from Semerovo and Čechy attend the school.
The building of the elementary school
The School „Region“
Modern kindergarten has two classrooms and beautiful area. It is also involved in project promoting health.
TV cable with the retransmission of 21 programs is provided by TERMOSTAT, s.r.o. Rožňava. We have the license for 8 hours for transmission per month. Usually we use it for telecasts from meetings of the County Council, since November 1993.
Children puppet-theatre called „Slniečko“ made the community famous during the years 1979-1987. They were participants on many festivals here in Slovakia and also abroad.
The community is famous for theatre of adults; the brass band named Semeranka and the band Poker.
The community has
its own fire service founded in 1906, football team, club of invalids, hunters; folklore group Semerovčan.
The community is also famous for Marián Kasák st. - because of his beehives.
The new bell tower with new middle bell of the Mary’s Assumption was financed from fund-raising campaign.
In 2005 (the 795th anniversary of the community) small bell should be installed and later, in 2010 (the 800th anniversary)
the big one. The community participates on the project of building new rental apartments.
Agriculture is very important for the community. From whole area (2,341 ha) 1,150 ha is cultivated by Agrospol Semerovo, 325 ha by Hydina a.s.Cífer - Semerovo, 45 ha by PD Jasová, 48 ha by PD Kolta, 137 ha by Association of entrepreneurs in agriculture Dvory nad Žitavou, 9 ha by RD Dubník, 7 ha by Agrocontrakt a.s. Mikuláš and by 347 ha private farmers.
Many cottagers from whole Slovakia have their cottages here.
They decorate their houses and the community has historical appearance thanks them.
Important cultural events
Traditional Slovak folklore holidays (before Easter), raising the Tree of May, school celebrations in June and December, balefire of the Sovereignty together with the football match, feast on the Mary’s Assumption Day, the Day of the Constitution and Slovak National Revolt Anniversary, the European Day, St. Nicholas's Day, New Year’s Eve celebration...
From attractive professions of our citizens we can mention a shipman, a professor at the University in Nitra, journalists, policemen, doctors. Our citizens are employed in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Norway, Great Britain and Japan.
Community Council:
Imrich Hrabovský, the mayor of the community
Ing. Peter Čelko, the assistant of the mayor, the member of the Community Council
JUDr. Helena Kontrová, the member of the Community Council
Ing. Marek Šemelák, the member of the Community Council
Others: Dušan BAGALA, Ing. Peter BALOGH, Milan Lobodáš, Anna ŠURÁNIOVÁ, Ján ŠEBÍK, Eva ŠIMOVÁ, Veronika ŠTEFÁNIKOVÁ, controller
Famous Personalities:
Roman Catholic reverends buried in Semerovo:
Ján Zaklukál,
(born 1807 in Kosztolcz in Hungary), founder of elementary school and first association of land owners in 1840, he published more writings in Trnava, for 33 years a reverend in Semerovo, died in 1871.
Anton Kršák,
(born 1769 in Námestovo), from 1793 the member of Slovak Union of Journeymen of Anton Bernolák, assessor in Komárno, for 13 years a reverend in Semerovo, died in 1828
Štefan Chovanec,
(born in 1840 in Bohdanovce), co-founder of Matica slovenská in Martin and Slovak Catholic Patronal Grammar School in Kláštor pod Znievom, for 7 years a reverend in Semerovo
Imrich Adamovich
(born in 1843 in Morvach, Croatia), reverend, archaeologist, historian, for 42 years a reverend in Semerovo, died in 1920
The native is also academic artist Ctibor Krčmár,
(born in 1924 in Semerovo). He studied in Bratislava (G. Mallý), in Prague (professors P. Dilinger, V. Sychra and K. Müller). His favourites were paintings, graphics and sculptures. He died in 1994 in Piešťany.
Honorary citizen is:
Vdp. Marián KRÁĽ, novokňaz