Šelpice village is situated 6 kilometres northwest from town called Trnava.
Its area was populated in the Stone Age and archaeologists have conserved plenty
of cultural artefacts and historical tools from this rich archaeological patch.
View of village
The first writen reference about the existence of this village comes from
1249 when Czech King Václav donated Šelpice to the monastery in Tišnov. The
history of Šelpice is also very much connected with the Červený Kameň
castle. It was built in 1230 by Queen Konštancia, wife of Přemysl Otakar I. In
1530, the village was abandoned and burned by Turks and was populated again in
1539 when new family called Fugger bought the Červený Kameň castle. Majority
of inhabitants living in the 16th century came from the Balkan area and was of
Croatian origin. Those people were running away from the Turkish invasion.
In 1777, Šelpice village has got 356 inhabitans. This number decreased in 1831
when the plague of illness killed 34 people.
In terms of religious partition, Šelpice belongs to the parish of Bohdanovce.
It has had its priest since 1332. We can also find a place called Nemečanka in
the same area. It was a small village established by Germans in the past and it
existed until 1393. In 1540, 5 Croatian families settled down there but later on
they left the place and since 1618 it is not inhabited anymore.
The main street of Šelpice has got an important historical significance – it
is the part of a famous European path called „ The Czech Path“.
Places of Interest

The church of King Christ

The main altar
Statue of. St. Jan Nepomucký
There are a few people who were born in Šelpice and became famous, for
instance Prof. ThDr. Jozef M. Heriban who was missionary, writer and teacher or
Prof. Augustín Nádoský – teacher and pioneer in the area of literature
history and science.
In 1994, Šelpice village celebrated its 754 the anniversary of the first writen
reference and the book writen by Mr Marián Babirát was issued because of this