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Actual position Village Šivetice
 Attraction highlighting:  Roman Catholic Church and Evangelic Church

The earliest written reference of Šivetice dates from 1262 when they belonged to the family of Jelšavský. Later the village belonged to the wealthy family of Murán.
After the Turkish invasions in 17th century, the village has been reestablished again.
The plague in 1710 killed almost all inhabitants of the village (about 320).
Villagers were occupied with farming and pot making and these working traditions are still alive in the village. Some people though work for the nearby industrial factories in Jelšava and Lubeník.
The old historical statistical records say that there were 588 inhabitants living in 77 houses from 1828 until 1837.
The village became a part of Hungary for 7 years in 1938.
The local farmer´s co - operative association was established in 1952 and handed to the state in 1967.
There are two churches in the village:
(1) the Roman Catholic Church which was built in the mid 13th century and rebuilt into the shape of rotunda in 1750. Its interior contains some Roman wall paintings and has got several baroque features. The church bell was made in baroque style and dates from 1750.
(2) the Evangelic Church was built in 1785, its tower dates from 1831.
The village library was opened in 1847 and used by those who attended the Sunday school.
Nowadays there are numerous houses, flats, agricultural buildings and a few pottery workshops.


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