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Actual position Town Senec
 Attraction highlighting:  The Sun Lakes resort (Slnečné jazerá)
Senec-The Sun Lakes resort (Slnečné jazerá)
The Sun Lakes resort (Slnečné jazerá)
The District town of Senec has got 15 thousand inhabitants and is one of the most popular destinations for summer holiday makers in the region. The major attraction of the town - the Sun Lakes resort (Slnečné jazerá) - the complex which has been built around a series of lakes has attracted many visitors from Slovakia and foreign countries over the past decades. It is a moderately well equipped resort which is located only 25 km from the Capital of Slovakia (Bratislava) and is fairly easy to find and access.
Visitors of the Sun Lakes resort can find numerous hotels and holiday cottages, camping site, various tourist facilities and public fresh water beaches in this recreational area.
Numerous celebrations are being prepared and organized for the year 2002 when the town of Senec will celebrate 750th anniversary of the earliest written reference. These events will include:
The Big Summer Carnival (Veľký letný karneval)- the most popular carnival in Slovakia which was founded only 5 years ago (in 1997). People in their masks and costumes will parade in the streets of this old town and several singing and dancing groups will perform their repertoire on the stages dotted around the marching crowd.
The Summer in Senec (Senecké leto) - this event takes place in mid June each year when the official summer season starts in the Sun Lakes resort. It includes both day time and night time entertainment, a program for children, discotheques for younger generation (which last until the early hours of the following morning) and plenty to eat and drink. The event ends up with the grand firework display above the lakes which creates a spectacular reflection on the water's surface.
Senec-Hotel Senec
Hotel Senec
The Swimming of the Hardy Fellows (Trojkráľové plávanie otužilcov)- this event takes place in January 6th each year.
Hot Air Balloon Fiesta (Balónová fiesta) - the international gathering of hot air balloons.
Points of interest, remarkables and rarities
The Turkish House (Turecký dom)
this small renaissance - styled manor house was completed in 1560 after 4 years of building. The house was built by Mr Krištof Baťán from Bratislava and used to be the seat of general meetings about issues in the Capital. Later it was occupied by various companies and organizations. It is situated on the main square of Senec. The house was renovated in 1994 and the building was turned into an exclusive restaurant and café. Recently, the building was converted into an Asian restaurant.
The Column ("Pranier" or also known as "Stĺp hanby")
this column made of bricks is located in one of the town's squares (Mierové námestie). The legend says that thieves, deceivers and witches were tied to the column to be shamed and blamed for what they had done.
The Church of Saint Nicolas (Kostol svätého Mikuláša)
this church is the oldest historical building in the town. The history of the local parish dates from 1308. Further research revealed that the church had already been used for religious purposes in 1326. The church was renovated several times during the 16th, 17th, 19th and 20th centuries.
The Synagogue (Synagóga)
this historical building dates from 1094, however some historical documents reveal that the synagogue is even older than that. It is situated in the central square of the town. Currently, it is not used and the Jewish community is looking for the suitable investor to repair and renovate this building so that it may be bought back into use.

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         phone: 00421-903447629, 00421-650340155
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