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Mikroregión Severné Podpoľanie

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Mikroregión Severné Podpoľanie - cart

Podpolanie greets all the visitors with the words of folk poet which express the hospitality and cordiality of our people:

"Polana greets you,
and shares everything it has got with you,
so that only good news can be heart
about this beautiful land.

Everything our people have,
they offer with love,
and what they offer with love,
should be accepted with gratitude."

Microregion of Severne Podpolanie (North Podpolanie) consists of these villages:
Čerín-Čačín, Dolná Mičiná, Horná Mičiná, Dúbravica, Hrochoť, Môlča, Poniky, Oravce, Sebedín-Bečov, Lukavica.

The general aims of this microregion are:
  • to increase tourism activities in the less known area of Polana which is one of the biosphere reservation of UNESCO
  • to increase the quality of life and employment in the region through tourism activities and services
  • to build a new information center
  • to protect the environment and increase environmental tourism

The Village Association of Microregion "Severne Podpolanie
The Chairman of Association: Mr Pavol Skamla (the Mayor of Sebedin - Becov)
Telephone number for the Village Council in Sebedin - Becov: ++421-48-4192211
Mobile telephone number: ++421-905-505172

The Tourism Information Center in the Village Council
village Hrochoť, Tel.: ++421-48-790163

Every village in the microregion of Severne Podpolanie is unique, interesting and characteristic in a certain way and they all offer some beautiful views and sights. As a unique complex of villages, the microregion offers a wide variety of tourist services and attractions.

The area is rich in many mineral wells and sheep farming is very common in this area too - the visitors can even buy some local products made of sheep skin.

Further events and attractions of the region are:
cultural events, folk concerts, singing and dancing performances
local crafts such as carving and needlework
sporting activities in the ecologically clean environment (biking, walking, skiing, fishing etc.)
mushroom and forest fruit picking

The area of microregion consists of rich forests, green meadows, beautiful streams, fresh air and birds singing. This paradise is an ideal place for those who would like to forget about the strains of the day and relax in the quiet and tranquil environment.

There are a few of recreational facilities in this area, especially around the town of Banska Bystrica.

It became the protected area in 1981 and consists of 20 078 hectares of land. It is situated above villages of Hrinova and Detva - Skliarovo. There are plenty of protected natural objects and state natural reservations in this area, such as:

  • Melichova skala (Melichova rock) - it is protected natural creation in Detva which is situated over 0.3 hectares and is 30 m high. It can be seen from the north parts of Polana and is one of the most interesting geological creations in the volcanic area. It is also a suitable object for study in the field of volcanic creations.
  • Jánošíkova skala (Janosikova rock, locally called Obcina) - it is protected natural creation spreading over 1.65 hectares which is geologically, zoologically and architecturally unique. It is situated in the village of Hrochot in Hrochotska dolina (Hrochotska valley). Janosikova skala is 230 m long and 50 m high and has got two shallow apertures which dates from the prehistoric age.
  • Bátovský balvan (Batovky rock, locally called Svedok - Witness) - it is geological rock in Hrochotska dolina (Hrochotska valley) which spreads over 0.20 hectares. The rock is 13.9 m high, 8 m wide and is conserved in its original conditions.
  • Kalamarka - it is a protected natural creation situated about 5 km north from Detva and on the southern side of Polana. Its height is 809 m above-sea-level and it spreads on 290 m2. It was created by erosion in the past.
  • Zolniansky lahár- it is a protected natural creation which is a unique in the whole Europe. It is situated on the north from village of Sebedin and above old Gypsy settlement. It was created after volcanic reaction millions years ago. At present the hill is covered by trees.
  • pod Dudasom - it is the state natural reservation on the north-western part of Polana, at the end of Hrochotska dolina (Hrochotska dolina) and 1 200 m above-seaa-level. Its area covers 12.4 hectares and consists of many types of trees such as evergreen trees, beech trees etc. They all are about 150 - 200 years old. The unique tree of this area was the biggest, the oldest and the most robust fir in Europe which was 53.5 m high, its circuit was 575 m, the volume was 49 m3 and this fir was over 500 years old. It got dry in 1976.

The area of Polana is a typical place for many species of animals (dears, brown bears, etc.) and plants.
It was created by volcanic activities in the past and is still one of the biggest volcanoes in Europe.


Footpath nr. 1 -› 7 stations, "RED"
7.the fork of RED and BLUE footpath, under Horalka cottage

Footpath nr. 2 -› 5 stations, "GREEN"E
4.Pod Štálec
5.Ponicka Huta valley

Footpath nr. 3 -› 5 stations, "YELLOW"
2.Pod Medvedinec
4.n the fork of BLUE and YELLOW footpath (Polovnicka chata - Hunters' Cottage)
5.Horná Mičiná

Footpath nr. 4 -› 5 stations, "BLUE"
1.Dolná Mičiná
2.Poľovnícka chata
3.Sedlo pod Drienkom

Footpath nr. 5 -› "GREEN"
Môlča - Poniky

Mikroregión Severné Podpoľanie-Atractive Footpaths
 Atractive Footpaths
Mikroregión Severné Podpoľanie-Pictures from region Podpoľanie
 Pictures from region Podpoľanie
Mikroregión Severné Podpoľanie-Pictures from region Podpoľanie
 Pictures from region Podpoľanie picture of the microregion Mikroregión Severné Podpoľanie:
Mikroregión Severné Podpoľanie-Pictures from region Podpoľanie
Pictures from region Podpoľanie
Mikroregión Severné Podpoľanie-Pictures from region Podpoľanie
Pictures from region Podpoľanie