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Attraction highlighting: remains of The Levice castle

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The south of western Sovakia on the border of the Pohronie lowlands and the promoutories of the Štiavnicke Highlands mountains.
163 m
6099 ha
37 000
Čankov, Horša, Kalinčiakovo, Malý Kiar
Levice belonges to warm and mild dry climate zone
The town of Levice is located in the eastern part of the Danube Lowlands and the shallow valley of the lower part of the Hron River at the western foot of the Ipel Hills. It is gainfully situated a the border of the Pohronie Lowlands and the promontories of the Stiavnicke Highlands mountain range. In the area of Levice, the configuration of the surface´s climates and soils determinate the nearer as well as the farther surroundings of Levice especially for the agricultural purposes. There is precious flora and fauna concentrated on several smaller areas which are subject of interest under the environmental protection act.
pohlad na mesto

The plantation called Veľké Levice, that was direct predecassor of Levice town, came into existence under patronage of the castle
mesto v 17. storočí (rytina neznámeho majstra)
The town of Levice is located in the eastern part of the Danube Lowlands and the shallow valley of the lower part of the Hron River at the western foot of the Ipel Hills. It is gainfully situated a the border of the Pohronie Lowlands and the promontories of the Stiavnicke Highlands mountain range. In the area of Levice, the configuration of the surface´s climates and soils determinate the nearer as well as the farther surroundings of Levice especially for the agricultural purposes. There is precious flora and fauna concentrated on several smaller areas which are subject of interest under the environmental protection act.
Under the protection of the local castle, the settlement of “Great Levice” was originated and this establishment was the direct ancestor of the town today. Two independent municipalities called “Old Levice” and “Bratka” existed for a certain period of time near Levice. The first written reference concerning these two municipalities dates back from the year of 1156. Old Levice became extinct in the year 1614 when the invasion of a Turkish army destroyed everything, it was never renewed again. From the end of the last century, the town, at the foot of the former castle fort, had expanded so drastically, that its present area reaches the territories of the old municipalities of Old Levice and Bratka.

The history of Levice is also connected with the history of the castle. In the second half of the 13th century, the stone fort known as “Kalvaria” was built at the last promontory of the Stiavnicke Highlands to protect important routes to the mining towns in Central Slovakia. The first written reference about the castle comes from the year 1318. In 1709, during the Rakoczi´s uprising the castle was damaged , and because of this, it lost it´s importance as a military fort. To the most important owners of the castle belonged: Matus Cak, the Levais, the Dobo, the Kolonich, the Csaky and the Eszterhazy family.From all the historical monuments, the most dominant for Levice today are the preserved remains of the Levice castle


Ii 1558, the well-known hero Stephan Dobo became the owner of Levice and captain of the castle. He enlarges the area of the gothic castle and built a large renaissance-baroque styled manor house in front of the castle´s wall. Now, the manor house is the seat of The Tekov Museum.
To the important historical monuments belongs the buildings of the Franciscan monastery, two Catholic churches form the 18th century, and the Calvanic, and Evangelic churches from the early 19th century. Other interesting historical monuments of Levice are: the century year old building of the former Teachers Institute, and the building of the historical Town Hall (built in 1906) which is placed on the Heros square. There is also the valuable architectonic monument of the Romanesque church built from the beginning of 13th century in Kalinciakovo.

MsÚ Levice
On Hero’s square is located town hall built in year 1902
románsky kostolík z 13. storočia
Unwonted architecture monument is Romanic church in  Kalinčiakovo.

Horšianska dolina
In the surrounding of Levice, there are beautiful natural environments in the “Siklis” and “Kalvaria” areas, which are the remains of the tertiary volcanic activities. In the group classified as small protected areas, the largest one in this district is the “Horsianska valley”. It is a state natural preservation where valuable vegetation, trees, bushes as well as natural herbs, reptiles and birds.

rekreačná oblasť Margita Ilona
Also in the surroundings of Levice, in the direction towards Dudince, there is a rich abundance of thermal wells. Further – more, a well-known place for recreation in the town area called “Margita Ilona”, there are two 50-metre and three smaller natural swimming pools. In the trailer park there is the possibilities for caravaning and camping. The catering is provided all day by numerous fast food stands and one restaurant. Directly in this area, a complex for leisure time and sporting activities has been built.

Levický jarmok
V súčasnosti sa v Leviciach uskutočňuje tradičný Levický jarmok každoročne v druhej polovici októbra.
Výročné jarmoky sa v Leviciach konali už od začiatku 17. stor.
V roku 1733 malo mesto privilégium konať ročne štyri výročné jarmoky. Špecialitou levických týždenných trhov, ktoré sa konali každú stredu a v sobotu v uliciach okolo mestského domu, bol predaj husacích štvrtiek, ktorý nadobudol koncom 19. a začiatkom 20. storočia nebývalú intenzitu a rozsah. Cieľom súčasného konania jarmoku je okrem oživenia tradícií rýchly nákup širokého sortimentu tovarov, občerstvenia a pobavenie návštevníkov kultúrnymi podujatiami a technicko-zábavnou činnosťou.

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