It is situated on the western foothill of the Silická Plkateau, in the canyon of Slaná river between Rožňava and Plešivec, in the Protected Landscape Area and Biospheric Reserve of the Slovak Karst. Overall length of the spring cave is 1,525 m. It excels with its unique tiny flowstone straw stalactites reaching up to 3 m. It was discovered in 1951 by voluntary-spelunkers of Rožňava, assembled in the Slovak Speleological Society. The cave has been open to the public since 1955, in the length of 285 m. In 1968, it was introduced for speleotherapeutic procedures, as the first of the caves in Slovakia.
Gombasecká jaskyňa, 049 11 Plešivec, tel.: 00421/942-7901 191, Rožňava