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Region Gemer



Identification entries:

Name: Regional developing agency - Rožňava
Jural form: Association of jural persons
Seat: Rožňava, street Košu Schoppera number, 22, 04801
Director (jobber): Ing. Miroslav Boldiš
Phone: 058/7331384
Fax/Phone: 058/7882340
E-mail: regag@stonline.sk
IČO: 35519835
DIČ: 35519835
Short cut: RRA Rožňava

History of RRA Rožňava:

RRA Rožňava came into being 1. March 1993 basically Resolution of government of Slovak Republic numbers 96/95 and numbers 548/95 daytime 25. July 1995 in order to support economical progress of district Rožňava and Revúca. RRA came into being like an association of jural persons in meaning of Civil rules.
Founders were these jural subjects:
  • Office for strategy of society progress of science and techniques SR
  • Association of cities and communities of Microregion of Middle Gemer Rožňava
  • Slovak savings bank (joint stock company) branch office Rožňava
  • VÚB (joint stock company) branch office Rožňava
  • Polnobank (joint stock company) branch office Rožňava
  • Regional agricultural and edible larder Rožňava
  • Slovak insurance company (joint stock company) branch office Rožňava
  • Craft club of entrepreneurs
  • Association for support and progress of region Rožňava
Because in the time of constitution RRA was the district Rožňava and Revúca common, city Revúca belongs between founder's members.
RRA iniciated its activity in Rožňava in December 1996, than followed personal and material building of RRA. Practical activity of RRA began in January 1997.

Activity of RRA Rožňava are determinated by basic established materials:
Foundations contract and statue RRA Rožňava with organisational structure:
  • Meeting of members
  • Board of director of association
  • Director
  • Adjustable committee
  • Supervisory board
, witch was registered by decision district office in Rožňava 29. February 1996 and Decision of Regional committee 15, November 1997. The main ambitions of RRA Rožňava is:

RRA Rožňava is interest association of jural persons founded according to paragraph 20 of Civil rule, which ambition is to support economical progress of district Rožňava and Revúca. Creating of conditions and suppositions for long-time regional, economical progress, improvement of atractivity of region and progress of social and cultural values. Activity RRA Rožňava:
  • RRA operates co-ordinates and realises developing programs of region. RRA co-ordinates activities and co-operation with subjects, which share to provision of regional progress.
  • RRA co-ordinates a methodically directs processing of regional developing studies, preparation, financing and realisation of individual projects, whose support regional progress conformable with conception of progress of region like a territorial entity. RRA evaluates stuffing of economical and others additions from realisation of projects.
  • RRA co-operates in the course of operating of entrepreneur's intentions on the base of needs of regional and out of regional marketing.
  • RRA offers consultant service for entrepreneur's sphere and self-government.
  • RRA organises special school activity and realisation of requalification courses (credit by Ministry of Education, Slovak Republic).
  • RRA meets to Europe information networks and data banks in the section of regional progress and creating of equivalent home networks and data banks.
  • RRA creates info system, realises creation of info literature, and organises conferences, seminaries and expositions with ambitions to activate national and foreign subjects to participation on regional progress.
  • In co-operations with organs of Civil administration RRA interposes on provision of financial resource from national (fiscal and out of fiscal resources) from funds European union and from others foreign before entering and national resources.
  • In interest of realisation developing programs, projects and especially in stagnant regions RRA searches and takes the initiative of provision of finances for support of realisations entrepreneur's and social projects.
  • RRA submits European commission projects, witch will finance in conjunction from beforeentering and structural funds. RRA closes to work in International organisations and institutions functioning in section of regional progress.
  • RRA help to economical restructuralisation of region, it creates conditions for supply of capital to region and creation of new jobs.
  • RRA supports progress of infrastructure and progress of cities and villages (enhancement of forwarding infrastructure) construction of water supply, canalisation entrepreneur's and civil infrastructure).
  • RRA guards advertising according to needs of regions, applications for production of propagandistic materials, on all kinds of data mediums.
  • RRA supports progress of travelling rush.
  • RRA realises editorial activity.
Members of RRA Rožňava:

1. Association of cities and communities of Microregion of Middle Gemer Rožňava
2. Association of cities and communities of Top Gemer Rožňava
3. Ministry of construction and regional progress SR
4. Slovak savings bank (joint stock company) branch office Rožňava
5. VÚB (joint stock company) branch office Rožňava
6. Polnobank (joint stock company) branch office Rožňava
7. Regional agricultural and edible larder Rožňava
8. Slovak insurance company (joint stock company) branch office Rožňava
9. Craft club of entrepreneurs
10. Association for support and progress of region Rožňava
11. District office of work Rožňava
12. District office of work Revúca
13. Association of entrepreneurs of Slovak District council
14. District office of Rožňava
15. District office of Revúca
16. City Rožňava
17. City Revúca
18. Association of progress of tourism in microregion Dobšiná
19. ŽELBA SIDERIT, Nižná Slaná - factory
20. Slovak cykloclub Slovak carst
21. Association of tourism Slovak carst
22. Association of region Rožňava
23. Village Rožňavské Bystré
24. Village Rakovnica
25. Village Rudná
26. Village Gočovo
27. Civil association for offering of social services and social help
28. Civil association for protection rights of users of telecommunications and bloch services
29. Association for conservation of gypsy's handicrafts and cultures
30. Civil association for economical progress of Gemer
31. Speleologists group Speleo Rožňava
32. Microregion Domica
33. Association of entrepreneurs - regional organisation

RRA Rožňava is one of the institutions at the district standard, witch shares on solution of problems in social- economical section. RRA implies and shifts projects oriented on solution of internal problems of region. RRA is a co-ordinator of creation and realisation of developing programs and provide for synergy of Civil administration and self-government.
Activity of agency id dedicated by resolution of regional problems, which is qualified by borders of district Rožňava and Revúca. Activity of agency is transparent and in the meaning of articles, which is treated by council and general meeting. Candidness of agency guarantees entry of every jural person in the meaning of articles.

Activity of RRA shoots besides preparing and realisation of projects, which supports regional progress, on creating entrepreneur's intentions on the base of chaims of entrepreneurs, too. RRA with its activity and InfoBase contribute to processing of Conception of regional progress of landscape of Košice and Area plane VÚC Gemer and than landscape of Košice.

Activity of agency is oriented mainly on first graded consultations of entrepreneur's clientele in section:
  • processing of financial plans
  • counselling in the section of bookkeeping and economics
  • processing of marketing plans for beginning entrepreneurs
  • counselling in the section of travelling rush and rustic tourist
  • provision of jural help in course of foundation of new firms
Between more responsible regional projects we arrange " Road of Slovak Gothic". Project is oriented for progress of travelling rush of districts Rožňava, Revúca, Spišská Nová Ves, Levoča, Gelnica, with accent to progress of enterprising and services in these regions. Consistently follow offer of these regions to travel agency and its providing to housing and cartering capacities.
Activity of RRA Rožňava we can evaluate like very good and just in region. Its effort open with acceptance of new regional project " Gemer in the track of gothic road". On its realisation they have promised valuable financial part.

Concurrently very important RRA is propagation and visualise of cultured and historical specialities and individual naturally prodigy of region. Propagation of region of agency shares to creation of these propagandistic materials. Spiš-Gemer Gothic road - Rustic-artistic handicrafts in Slovak.
Intro propagation of region we support publication of propagandistic calendar of region Rožňava and work of three-dimensional photos for presentations. At the same mail we published paper about activity of RRA in Zora of Gemer, in Gemer journal and Korzár.

Intro of Regional developing agency entrepreneurs and firm and their products represented on the expositions in Slovak and in foreign counties. Regional developing agency was the main source of activities of presentations intro travelling rush of Gothic road of districts Rožňava, Revúca, Spišská Nová Ves, Levoča, Gelnica on the International fair of tourism and caravaning Leipzig 97´. Next we guarded exhibition of tourist interest of region on exposition Expotour in Žilina. Already from beginning activity of RRA efforts about joining of positive contacts with other countries.
Besides already mentioned contacts we help to tie up commercial contacts for firms: Gemer, v.d. Sirk, Granum, (joint stock company) Rožňava, Tarky Rožňava, Ermiko Rožňava, villa Erika Krásnohorské Podhradie on commercial contracts Economical forum Krosno (Poland) and on International Gelicijskom fair in Jaroslawi (Poland).

Agency shares on organisation of international conferences and seminars:
  • Conferences: Carpathian Euroregion 24. -25. 4. 1998 (Krosno)
  • Conferences: Slovak Poland international co-ordination in Nový Sad 26. -27. 6. 1998
  • International conference: "Days of Europe" intro representation SR
  • First French - Slovak meeting of decentralisation of public administration and progress of region 15. -16. Jun 2000.
By co-operation with international subjects, which shares on guarding of progress we shooted on French agency Cebanor. With representatives of Cebanor we met often for support and exchange of skills of small and middle enterprising. In May be held the visit of entrepreneurs, the exchange of skills and support of co-operation in sections: glass making, engineering industry, work and repair of bells and work of casts and things from aluminium.

Intro help of region RRA Rožňava co-ordinates with American peaceful stuff (Peace Corps), intro which in years 1997, 1998 influenced in agency member of Angeligue Springer, like a advisor for section of support of small and middle enterprising, management of control small and middle firms and developing in English language.

course CEPAC

Co-ordination with CEPAC Slovak and Districts office of work Rožňava, Revúca we organises already 4 courses for workless, which have very good entrepreneur's suppositions. With selection we study mainly good ideas, entrepreneur's thoughts, family background, own deposit and fancy to enterprising.
Graduation of course for the duration of 3 months (320 hours) means for beginning entrepreneurs start of new standard of communication - communication between entrepreneurs. Course gives them practical advises from section of marketing, management, sale, commercial skills, international business, taxation's, law, bookkeeping, financial directoring, etc. Ending of course is the entrepreneur's study, which students vindicate.
In spite of, that in region is still high joblessness up 30%, this course graduate 48 beginning entrepreneurs. From them already 14 tradesmen realise their thoughts, 4 of them they found job until these days and others would apply about many forms of support from Office of work. Resources of support from Fund of employment for beginning entrepreneurs are very slender and loan resources banks don´t give them. With support from OUP on self-employment undertook 4 tradesmen, one got resource on refundment of payment for new accepted worker. All stagist we monitor during so-called study, where we offer them advising service during 2 years from beginning of enterprising. In this time stagists of courses conjugate and create association of beginning entrepreneurs.

In its activity co-operates with District offices, during valuation regional projects, than by resolution of travelling rush of district and helps to microregional associations and associations of tourism near they activity intro own possibilities. District office Rožňava supports activity of Regional developing agency in district and its activity for section of courses in co-operation with District office of work. Intro co-operation would be good to force its through working meetings of pivotal subjects of our district for mutually know-how intro regional progress.
We try just in short form named mainly activities of this gainless organisation. In reality activities and making of community RRA are richer and exceed boards of area of Rožňava and Revúca. Only in Gothic road we guarded designation in five districts by 266 road sings and we provided by info system of region Spiš and Gemer by help of 33 large three-dimensional info tables out conversion with proportions 1500 x 1000 cm.
Ambitions of RRA are still more visualised the region of Gemer and whole Slovak Republic on national and international meetings. By every stroving we would like to tighten visitors and potential investors, whose are able to invest to such beautiful country like Slovak.
Our activities are not always successful, but we are still open and we try to learn ourselves from our failures and still to guard progress of region. Result of our stroving is continuation in Gothic road and association of activity self-government of villages Top and Middle Gemer for publishing collective propagandistic materials, on which we got promise from pilot grant's scheme of travelling rush. There is very important to support enthusiasm and love to the region and people, which workers of RRA know in region with high standard joblessness always to enforce under all problems and so that RRA Rožňava obtain to awareness wide regional laic and specialistic public

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