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Bytča is situated in the middle of Považie in the Váh valley, in which is the center of Bytča´s lowland. The hollow is preserved by Stražovské hills from the south, by Javorníky from the north and west. 
The first written mention of Bytča comes from rhe beginning of the 13th century. In the year 1378 Bytča got privileges of a bigger city. The end of the 16th and beginning of the 17th century Bytča belonged to family Thurzos and this meant the main growth. Thurzos were one of the most powerful feudal clans in Hungary. Georg Thurzo, the Hungarian palatin had his own residence in Bytča. In the age of Thurzos was built a castl, which belonges to jewels of renesance architecture in Slovakia. 
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The castle is made of four buildings: renesance manor - house with a square ground and arcade court, wedding palace which was built by Georg Thurzo for wedding parties of his seven doughters, in origin old building rebuilt into a classical style and an entrance building from the end of the 19th century. In this castl were held not only gracious weddings but also there were judged assistants Elizabeth Bátory from Čachtice.

In the 17th century belonged whole Bytča to family Esterházy. In the age of Mikuláš Esterházy was realized rebuilding of in origin gothic church into baroque style .For finishing of reconstruction of the church consecrated to all saints deserved well Ondrej Matúšek, who was born in Bytča. He provided the church by the main althar with picture of all saints on the bottom and saint Ondrej on the top. In historical and art way woody pulpit from the year 1690 is very precious. The last reconstruction was realized by archtect M. Harminc in the thirties of this century. It was an installation of crucified Crist mosaic on outside wall from sculptor S. Bíroš.

The church is situated on a square. Through this square flowes the river Petrovička. 
The square with adjacent streets creates historic - monumental City zone. 
Surroundings of Bytča look like they were made for touristic trips. The most beautiful and the most visited os public natur reservation Suľovské rocks. Calcium rocky formations, ruins of Suľov castle, rare animals and vegetation are attrective for many visitors. 

For tourists are very attractive also surroundings of Hríčov castle and Hlbocký waterfall. All natural areas in Stražovské hills are connected with marked touristic paths.

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