Was constituted on the basis of the Slovak Ministry of Culture decision on 1st
July 1995. The Centre for Slovaks Living Abroad realizes the State task of
focusing on the problems of Slovaks living abroad. Among the main priorities
which are set by The Centre of Slovaks Living Abroad is the research and support
of the cultural heritage preservation and development of the culture and
language identity of Slovaks living abroad on the one side and the collection of
documents to enable scientific research on the other one. Special attention is
paid to the effort to bring Slovaks living abroad over the active support of the
Slovak Republic interests, presentation of the Slovak culture both in their
native countries and in the Slovak Republic. The Centre for Slovaks Living
abroad helps preserve and develop the Slovak language in order to support
culture of Slovaks living abroad and present it in Slovakia. Our attention is
also paid to youth and children cultural activities and we support the effort of
Slovaks living abroad to officiate liturgic ceremonies in Slovak language.
Tel.:00421-7-52 44 27 78
The Research and Museum Department
Provides the research activity, compiles a general outline of Slovaks
living abroad history and life. The department prepares and realizes documentary
exhibitions and expositions concerning the Slovak emigration and Slovak
communities living abroad.
The Archival and Documentary Department
Systematically develops the archival collections of The Museum of Slovaks
Living Abroad.
The Department Of Scientific Information
Provides and compiles a database of Slovaks living abroad. The
department analyses the conditions of their national and cultural realization,
helps them to get information concerning the life in Slovakia.
Tel.:00421-7-52 44 27 77
The Department of Cultural Contacts and Presentation
Organizes the realization of cultural activities of The Centre for Slovaks
Living Abroad. It deals with the dramaturic plans, scenarios and production,
provides and realizes “The Days of Slovaks Living Abroad in the Slovak
Republic” every summer.
The Exhibition and Promotion Department
Works out and realizes the dramaturgic plans and provides exhibitions both in
Slovakia and abroad. The department is responsible for the running of the Film
Club SLOVAKIA and also propagates all the activities of The Centre for Slovaks
Living Abroad.
The Editorial and Publishing Department
Tel.:00421-7-52 49 69 11
Monthly provides, compiles and publishes the magazine “Slovenské zahraničie”,
monitors the Slovak media for the needs of Slovaks living abroad, holds press
The Days of Slovaks Living Abroad in Slovak Republic
Present the most significant cultural demonstration of Slovaks living abroad
all over the Slovak Republic. The main task of this event to strengthen the
mutual contacts of the compatriots and the Slovak Republic. The Days of Slovaks
Living Abroad in Slovak Republic are preserved in memory of all participants and
visitors for long time. They are a source of a new energy, arising
from the national fellowship between Slovaks living in Slovakia and those living
The Film Club SLOVAKIA
The Centre for Slovaks Living Abroad is responsible for running of The Film
Club SLOVAKIA that presents both Slovak and foreign films every Thursday. IN the
cinema hall The Centre for Slovaks Living Abroad also realizes culture
programmes concerning the outstanding anniversaries or book promotions.
The Centre for Slovaks Living Abroad (DZS)
Štefánikova 25
811 05 Bratislava
phone: 07/52 49 50 88
fax: 07/52 49 50 88, 52 49 69 14
e-mail: domzs@netlab.sk
main page of DZS: www.dzs.sk