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Actual position Village Turčok
 Attraction highlighting:  Beautiful nature of Revúcka vrchovina, mining tradition supported by monuments
Turčok-Evangelic church and bell-tower in Turčok
Evangelic church and bell-tower in Turčok
The village is situated in the middle of the forests of upland Revúcka vrchovina, in the valley of small river Turiec. It was established presumably on the base of Wallachian right in the half of 14th century within the mansion of castle Rákoš. Later it belonged to the noble family of Bebek. The first written record comes from 1427.
In the half of 16th century the village was completely destroyed by Turks and it was resettled at the beginning of 17th century. Inhabitants were breeding sheep, working in forests, burning wood coal and working in ironstone mines. Turčok has another two local parts – Kríž and Železník. Mining settlement in in Kríž was established in the end of 19th century. After the beginning of World War II., people worked in mines in Železník. Former mining colony is today reminded by original mining houses, music arbour with dancing space as well as a skittle ground. Historical monuments are gradually being restored. Many village inhabitants participated in Slovak National Uprising and this event is commemorated with monument.
Bell-tower is situated on the hill above the village. The oldest and most important building is Evangelic church without tower built in 1786 in Classicistic style.
However, there are many other opportunities for trips. Beautiful nature and many historical and cultural monuments offer a wide choice of tourist routes. Trips to the valleys of Lipová, Zlatná, Uhliarska as well as many others lead through the beautiful foothills called Železnícke predhorie which is the part of Revúcka vrchovina. Dominant feature of this area is bevelled hill Železník (814 MSL). At its foot are located villages Sirk, Rákoš and Nandráž. In the past Železník was place of iron ore mining which history begun to be written already in Roman times. From these times remnants of the Roman smelt-furnace were found.
In the south you can find Rákoš with gem of Romanesque architecture – church with compartment ceiling from the half of 13th century. Very precious are its paintings from 14th and 15th centuries. In the fields of the village there is archaeological area of so called ‘bukohorská’ culture and discovery site of Great Moravia. At the place called Zámoček you can find ruins of medieval castle from the second half of 13th century.
Turčok-Memory of former mining settlement- skittle ground
Memory of former mining settlement- skittle ground
Visitors may be attracted by walks to the near forests full of forest fruits. After such trip they can taste delicious local food – balls from potatoes and smoked meat from locality called Gemer which are being cooked here up to these days.

E-mail address of the Village:

         phone: 00421-903447629, 00421-650340155
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